Come As You Are (my first music video)

Les Miller
Les Miller

Soon after joining the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1988, my wife and I were at a Christian book store looking to replace a lot of my secular music with music that would draw me closer to God. CDs were all the rage and they were selling all their vinyl no one wanted at literally 10% of face value. We bought a whole bunch of music. This particular album was my favourite. I have tried to find these guys on the internet over the years and never could. I made this video, a collection of various still frame memes I've created for social media over the last few years, as a tribute to them.

All the quotes are either NKJV Bible verses, Ellen White book references or a few I made up myself. Most of the pics are mine but a few are from Pexels. One mountain scene comes from Arthur Murray, whom I thank. Thanks as well to my wife for this idea!

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